Monday – Friday

8 am – 5 pm


[email protected]

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How can we help?

As an organization focused on the development and prosperity of the Lower North Shore, your thoughts and opinions are important to us. Share them with us through any of our communication platforms.

Head Office

313 Boul. Bonne Esperance
St. Paul’s River, QC, G0G1W0
Phone  +1 418 379 2006


Are you looking to join our team? Click the link below to submit your resume.

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Follow us on Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.


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Have questions, concerns, or comments for us? Let us know! 

Frequently Asked Questions

A not-for-profit organization is an organization that is not driven by profit but by dedication to a given cause that is a target of all income beyond what it takes to run the organization. It aims to acquire funds for a social purpose or to provide a service that people need rather than make a profit. Their objective is to protect and further the interests of the population and contribute to the region's vitality. Therefore, they rely on external sources, such as donations, etc.

The mission of the Coasters Association is to develop knowledge of the needs and expectations of the sixteen communities on the Lower North Shore and act in partnership with community leaders, organizations and stakeholders to design and deliver community strategies, programs and services which respond to the region’s development challenges and which profile the unique cultural and natural resources of the region. 

The Coasters Association has two (2) divisions to carry out the organization's mission. The Wellness Center division offers programs to youth, family and seniors. The Northern Research division does apply industry research, provides support for businesses, community groups and nonprofits, and assists with the employability and economic development in the region. 

Over the past 32 years, the Coasters Association has been an effective advocate for Quebec’s Lower North Shore residents and has helped ensure the vitality of its 16 communities. Also, they interact with federal, provincial and regional governments aimed at policy and program development for the Lower North Shore. This important work could not be accomplished without the dedication of individuals who work hard to strengthen this beautiful region of the province and protect and further its interests.  

The Coasters Association charges fees to sustain materials, equipment and human resources for specific programs like the KIDS Summer Camp and the Business Incubator and Accelerator Program. A non-profit does not have a source of funding to support community initiatives unless it is derived from a membership or treasure chest drive.

You can volunteer by contacting the main office, and they will direct you to the relevant department according to your area of interest.

Please reach out to one of our Primary Care Practitioners:

Gabrielle Anderson [email protected] or (418) 379-2006 ext 228

Adeline Anderson [email protected]

The Coasters Association has core funding that comes through the Department of Canadian Heritage that funds the Executive Director, Finance Director, Executive Assistant, and Office Manager and a part-time Director of Youth and Employability. The organization also accesses a variety of federal, provincial and regional funding to employ the other staff throughout the region.

The head office is in St. Paul’s River; however, the Coasters Association has satellite offices in all the communities on the Lower North Shore.

The Coasters Association’s membership stands at 3,542. With each new member, the  Association becomes more substantial and the objective of identifying and responding to the pressing needs of the Lower  North Shore more feasible. 

The Coasters Association does an annual membership drive through their treasure chest fundraiser; these funds are injected back into the community to support programs in the region. By contacting the main office, you can request a membership form.

Some of the Coasters Association's current actions are:  

• Youth issues include job training and employment, research & development, transportation, camps,  leadership and life skills, retention strategies, and networking.  

• Development services for the community, for example, transition services for the fishery sector, tourism development, economic diversification through bio-development (wild berry and other non-timber forestry resources), and agriculture (greenhouse, community gardens, etc.) and community kitchen programs, as well as heritage and culture activities & partnerships. 

• Health and vitality that focuses on drug and alcohol abuse, crime prevention, seniors, women’s and disabled issues, literacy, early childhood development, anti-poverty measures, healthy lifestyles, nutritional programs,  food security, diabetes, health & social service retention strategies, regional access program, housing,  community public health strategy and community profiles (HPP, CHEP, TV’s in clinics on the LNS, etc.).  

• Communication networks through local newspapers, web pages, support for radio stations, video conferencing sites, interviews, phone-in programs and high-speed internet and implementation of cellular phone service. 

Every two (2) years, elections are held across the region for the election of the board members. At the election time, you can submit your name for a designated seat. If multiple people are running for a specific seat, elections will be held throughout the communities. The population will decide by voting who gets to represent their community. If no people are running against someone in a seat, they get in by acclamation. There are also four (4) sector seats appointed by the board of directors: Youth and Employability, Seniors and those with Autonomy, Economic Development, and a Small Business Enterprise seat. At the AGM, the board meets to decide who will sit on the executive committee (i.e. President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and member at large) to represent every municipality.

The Coasters Association posts job opportunities as they are available. These postings are shared via social media platforms, the Coasters Association website, local radio, community bulletin boards and forwarded to partners. Individuals are encouraged to apply to any job posting of interest by submitting a resume and cover letter.

Qualified individuals interested in Internships are encouraged to submit their resumes at any time, to be considered for an internship position should it become available. Internship applicants are forwarded to the designated government department for approval, followed by a selection process with the business or organization where the internship will take place.

The mission of the Coasters Association is to develop knowledge of the needs and expectations of the sixteen communities on the Lower North Shore and act in partnership with community leaders, organizations and stakeholders to design and deliver community strategies, programs and services which respond to the region’s development challenges and which profile the unique cultural and natural resources of the region.

Our goal is to make the Lower North Shore a better place to live for all residents of the Coast by improving access to services and programs, identifying the needs of each community and responding accordingly. We believe that we have done that, by implementing community programs, by providing organizations and individuals with the opportunity to partake in joint initiatives (such as events, projects, training, etc.), and by continuing to create a common bond to enable the communities of the Lower North Shore to face the challenge of growth and development as one.

Reach out to one of our Wellness Animators in your community or the Managers of the Wellness Programs: 

Gabrielle Anderson - Manager of Early Childhood Development [email protected]

Jenna Maurice - Manager of Senior Services [email protected]

Click here to find the required documentation. 

The Coasters Association believes in the Lower North Shore and all it has to offer. We recognize the limitless potential of our unique and beautiful region and are dedicated to its development.

Monday-Friday, 8 am-5 pm
(418) 379-2006
[email protected]
© Copyright 2021 Coasters Association Inc.